Friday, January 9, 2009


As I plan on letting off some serious steam tonight by seeing a 3-D showing of "Bolt" (for the second time), I'm eagerly anticipating the next time I can see a new cartoon movie in 3 dimensions (don't suggest NBC's "Chuck" on Superbowl Sunday). And we've already talked about Coraline here on Clandestinish, but what about these:

Nike and the film "Coraline" are teaming up on this incredibly awesome collaboration Dunk, and although I don't know much about the movie, it seems these are loosely based on the way the characters are designed, even down to the button eyes. BUT they sadly seem to be only producing 1,000 pairs, so I hope Nike can't tell the difference between Pete's and my voice. 

(phone rings)
"Hey, this is Pete Wentz from the band Fall Out Boy. I'd love a pair of those Coraline shoes so my wife Ashlee Simpson can see them. Oh, my voice sounds deep? I have a whooping cough. OH, what size do I need? A 12? I'm way taller in real life."
(hang up)


x_kiwibird said...

1.) You're like the coolest dude ever for liking Bolt.
2.) Please do that and tell us how the conversation goes haha, those shoes are awesome!

Anonymous said...

Love the shoes! I really look forward to reading your new blogs they always make me laugh. I'd love to hear that conversation, hope it works out for you. :)

051 said...

How far of a stretch would it be to have Clandestine footwear? Plenty of athletes have their own shoes, why not a musician? Of course I know nothing about marketing or sales. But from "joe everyday guy" over here I think it would be steller concept.

inthesky said...

Just make sure you make that phonecall before Pete does and i think you're in with a shot :)
I remember the Clan supras for Pete's birthday, those were awesome. I'm sure someone will sneak him a pair of the 'Coraline's'

Anonymous said...

i agree with midwest. i would just about die if some clan shoes were made. not just limited one's like the birtday supras. but some actual SHOES. and sell them cause i'd buy any shoe with the batheart on it gladly.

your blog. it made me el oh el. hope you get them. they look pretty sweet. you think i'll be able to fake Pete's voice? i know i'm a girl but...i can work on an impression :D

Jemima said...

haha I think you might get away with it. Surely Pete would also want a pair for his wife, size 5... which you could then send to me! They're sweet, but since I'm never likely to get a pair you NEED to get on the clan footware to make up for it.

Bee said...

I must be super-scarred from reading the book years ago, because even the dang SHOES are giving me the heebie jeebies, no matter how cool I think they are. I still don't know if I'll manage the nerve to see this movie...